Understanding Notice to Owner Dos and Don'ts for Smooth Transactions

Here are essential practices (dos) and pitfalls to avoid (don'ts) in the Notice to Owner (NTO) process, to ensure a seamless and legally compliant experience for construction professionals.



Ariela Wagner



Attorney Reviewed

Last updated:






Dec 01, 2023

2 Mins


In the construction industry, the Notice to Owner (NTO) is super important. It's a key tool that makes sure contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers have their rights protected.

In this blog we aim to shed light on the essential dos and don'ts associated with the NTO, serving as a guide for a seamless and equitable process for all parties involved.


notice o owner dos

1. Serve NTO Early and Accurately

  • Promptly serve the NTO after commencing work or delivering materials to preserve lien rights.
  • Ensure the NTO contains accurate and complete information, encompassing project details, your identity, and a clear description of the provided work or materials.

2. Verify Recipient Information

3. Use Certified Mail or Trackable Delivery

  • Employ certified mail or a trackable delivery method for the NTO to provide proof of delivery, a crucial element in potential disputes.

4. Retain Proof of Delivery

  • Keep a copy of the served NTO and document proof of delivery or acknowledgment as a safeguard in case of escalated issues.

5. Consult Legal Professionals

  • Seek legal advice to ensure compliance with state-specific NTO requirements, as construction lien laws vary, and legal professionals can navigate the complexities of the process.

6. Document Work and Communication

  • Maintain thorough documentation of work, materials, and project-related communication, serving as crucial evidence in case of disputes.
notice to owner


notice to owner dont's

1. Delay NTO Submission

  • Avoid procrastinating in serving the NTO, as failing to provide timely notice may risk losing lien rights, putting compensation in jeopardy.

2. Rely Solely on Oral Communication

  • Steer clear of relying solely on verbal communication; instead, prioritize written documentation, including the NTO and other project-related records, to establish a clear trail of involvement and intent.

3. Overlook Project Details

  • Ensure accuracy in project details within the NTO, as errors or omissions may lead to complications, potentially impacting your ability to claim a lien.

4. Neglect Follow-Up

  • After serving the NTO, remain proactive by monitoring payments and following up as needed to safeguard interests.

5. Ignore State-specific Regulations

  • Familiarize yourself with state-specific regulations governing construction lien laws, as ignorance may lead to legal consequences. Adhering to these regulations is paramount for compliance.

6. Bypass Legal Counsel

  • In complex situations, avoid navigating the NTO process alone. Engage legal professionals specializing in construction law to ensure adherence to correct procedures and gain valuable insights.

Key Takeaway

Navigating the Notice to Owner process demands meticulous attention to detail, timeliness, and strict adherence to legal requirements. By adhering to the dos and avoiding the don'ts outlined in this guide, construction professionals can fortify their rights, facilitate smoother transactions, and contribute to the overall success of the project. As the age-old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this sentiment resonates profoundly in the realm of Notice to Owner procedures within the construction industry.

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About Author


Ariela Wagner

Ariela is the president and founder of SunRay Construction Solutions. She has over 18 years of construction industry experience. Read More>


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