A Comprehensive Guide to Notice of Non-Payment in Florida Construction

Learn how to issue a Notice of Non-Payment effectively in Florida construction projects, following legal procedures and best practices for resolving payment disputes.



Ariela Wagner



Attorney Reviewed

Last updated:






May 16, 2024

3 Mins


A Notice of Non-Payment is a formal document used in the construction industry to address issues regarding outstanding payments. In Florida, like in many other states, there are specific procedures and requirements that must be followed when issuing such notices.

Here's a detailed guide on how to prepare and issue a Notice of Non-Payment in Florida construction, along with some best practices to enhance effectiveness.

How to Prepare and Issue a Notice of Non-Payment in Florida?

Notice of Non-Payment in Florida - SunRay

Step 1 - Understand the Purpose

  • A Notice of Non-Payment serves as a formal communication to alert relevant parties about unpaid invoices or outstanding payments.
  • It is a crucial step in the process of securing payment for work done or materials supplied on a construction project.

Step 2 - Determine Who Should Receive the Notice

  • Typically, the notice is sent to the party responsible for making payments, which may include the property owner, general contractor, or subcontractor.
  • Ensure you correctly identify the entity or entities obligated to make the payments.

Step 3 - Check Legal Requirements

  • Familiarize yourself with Florida's construction lien laws, particularly Chapter 713 of the Florida Statutes, which governs lien rights and procedures.
  • Ensure compliance with any contractual requirements related to notices and payments.

Step 4 -  Gather Necessary Information

  • Collect all relevant details about the project, including the parties involved, contract terms, payment amounts, dates, and any other pertinent information.
  • Make sure you have accurate records of the work performed or materials supplied, as well as any payment-related correspondence.

Step 5 -  Draft the Notice

  • Start by clearly identifying the parties involved, including your company's name and contact information.
  • State the purpose of the notice, i.e., non-payment of invoices or outstanding amounts.
  • Provide details of the unpaid amounts, including dates, invoice numbers, and the total outstanding balance.
  • Reference the relevant contract or agreement that governs the project.
  • Clearly state your intention to pursue legal remedies if the payment issue is not resolved promptly.

Step 6 - Follow Formatting Guidelines

  • Format the notice according to legal and industry standards.
  • Use formal language and ensure clarity and accuracy in the wording.
  • Include a title such as "Notice of Non-Payment" at the beginning of the document.

Step 7 - Include Legal Notices and Disclosures

  • Depending on the circumstances and applicable laws, you may need to include certain legal notices or disclosures in the document.
  • Consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all relevant requirements.

Step 8 - Serve the Notice

  • Deliver the notice to the intended recipient(s) via certified mail with return receipt requested, or by another method specified in the contract.
  • Keep a copy of the notice for your records, along with proof of delivery.
Notice of Non-Payment - SunRay

Step 9 -  Monitor Responses

  • After sending the notice, monitor the recipient's response.
  • Be prepared to engage in further discussions or negotiations to resolve the payment issue amicably if possible.

Step 10 - Consider Legal Action

Best Practices when sending a Notice of Non-Payment

  • Document Everything: Maintain thorough and accurate records of all project-related documents, including contracts, invoices, receipts, and correspondence.
  • Communicate Clearly and Professionally: Use clear and professional language when drafting the notice and avoid making inflammatory statements.
  • Follow Up Promptly: Be proactive in seeking resolution and addressing any questions or concerns raised by the other party.
  • Consider Negotiation: Explore negotiation or mediation to resolve disputes without legal action.
  • Know Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with Florida's construction lien laws and your rights and responsibilities under the contract.
  • Be Diligent with Deadlines: Adhere to any deadlines specified in the contract or by law for issuing the notice.
  • Preserve Your Lien Rights: Take steps to preserve your lien rights under Florida law if necessary.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: Consult with a SunRay’s experts at 800-403-7660 for advice on complex legal issues or disputes.

By following these steps and incorporating best practices into your Notice of Non-Payment process, you can effectively address payment disputes and protect your rights on construction projects in Florida. Remember to adapt these practices to suit the specific circumstances of each situation and seek legal advice as needed.

Common Questions Contractors Ask

Can I still file a construction lien if I don't issue a Notice of Non-Payment?

In Florida and many other states, serving a Notice of Non-Payment is a prerequisite to filing a construction lien. Failure to comply with this requirement could limit your ability to enforce your lien rights.

Can I use a Notice of Non-Payment to recover attorney's fees and interest?

Depending on the terms of your contract and applicable laws, you may be entitled to recover attorney's fees and interest on unpaid amounts. Including provisions for these in your Notice of Non-Payment can help assert your rights.

How can I avoid disputes related to non-payment?

To avoid disputes related to non-payment, maintain clear and accurate records of all project-related transactions, communicate openly with other parties, adhere to contractual payment terms, and seek legal advice when necessary.

About Author


Ariela Wagner

Ariela is the president and founder of SunRay Construction Solutions. She has over 18 years of construction industry experience. Read More>


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